Runtime Table Creation in WPF


The ObjectTag itself is a DependencyProperty that can be attached to any type of control that is derived from DependencyObject. The value converter’s Convert method is called, every time the DataGrid cell is initially modified or lost its focus. In both cases, the user and the role roles are retrieved and the conversion result is returned. The user row is fetched from the DataGridCell’s DataContext, which contains the DataRowView instance that has the user row in its Row property. The role is retrieved from the ColumnTag that is assigned to the column when it was added.


The wpf dynamic tableGridCheckBoxColumn style has to be modified, and the Visibility flag of the CheckBox has to be set, depending on the contents of the DataGridCell. If the data row is the new item row, then it has a NewItemPlaceHolder. A converter is used to get this information and it is mapped to the CheckBox’s Visibility flag. The DataGridCheckBoxColumn binds the check box control to a boolean property of the data in the row that it is displaying. In this case, it would be a boolean property in the user data row, which represents the user to role assignment. Since there is no such property in the UserTable definition, another solution has to be implemented.

Runtime Table Creation in WPF

Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for TableData. After setting , the final source code of the MainWindow.XAML is given below.


The DataView allows the modification, insertion and removal of rows and the prevention of these actions. Filtering and sorting can be setup on the DataView as well. The data grid control can handle the data manipulation using the DataView.

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In this application, I use the persistence mechanism to store to and retrieve data from an XML file. Simply replace the properties in bindings according to your own needs. I want my view to bind to the the Rows collection, which contains a collection of Columns. I have a collection that I wish to bind to a WPF grid.


I have tried implementing a solution using this idea but I found issues when I added a header row which I have made independent of the ItemsControl . It is quite tricky to arrange the widths of the columns so that they synchronize. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

Checkbox Column Style Handling

I guess it isn’t very clear until now; therefore, I invite you to parse the following representation. In this first part, I focus on the solution of handling dynamic columns. In order to simplify the solution, I broke an architectural constraint, which is that objects of a top layer should not be used in lower layers . The second part of this article fixes this constraint. If you go with the Grid, I believe you’ll have to add a lot of code behind to manage the amount of columns and rows, their size, the cell content…

The CheckedBoxOnChecked method is called whenever the check box state is modified. The logic searches for the CheckBox’s DataGridCell and gets the user and role instances that belong to it. It will add or delete the user-role entry depending on the CheckBox.IsChecked state and whether a UserRoleRow is already present. Its contents can be stored to an XML file, which is used as a persistence mechanism in this example. I had some trouble using it with nested objects, columns that have objects and then trying to bind cell content to the object.

At the contrast of the Grid object witch is defined in the System.Windows.Controls, the table object is defined in the System.Windows.Documents namespace. Moreover, and at the contrast of the grid element, the Table element must be contained in one of those containers. As an added bonus I added the functionality that the CheckBox control is not shown in the user data grid new item row.

How to design a table that has dynamic columns with ItemsControl or ListView or DataGrid?

This article describes the dynamic insertion and removal of columns in a WPF datagrid. I am trying to create a GUI for my current project using WPF in C#. I would like to have tabs and each tab should open a table with the same column headers but different contents. There is also the option of using a dynamic object to create your columns. This is a bit laborious but the results are very effective and the solution in general is quite flexible.

The examples are overkill, although the principle to make them work is simple. The ListView already has the row/column logic so you don’t have to code it. Then, use a DataTemplate that decides how to render your object. You can have multiple DataTemplates target multiple object types too, so that WPF will “query” what kind of object it is and apply the template you chose. Rachel has a good answer below that is similar to what I would do. I think your issue about the headers might be easier to deal with in a ListView since it’s already a component of ListView.

Whereas a ListView/DataGrid will let you do this dynamically through Templates. The standard WPF DataColumn doesn’t allow object tagging. Object tagging is the functionality that allows objects to be tagged to a control.

The user data grid column definition is stored in the UserRolesColumns collection. This means that the default columns, the user’s first and last name, have to be in this collection too. This article describes a method many-to-many relations can be displayed and modified in a WPF datagrid control. The rows and columns can be added, removed and modified by editing the rows of the A and/or the B table. In this article, I will try to make a representation of the Table object. This one defines a flexible grid area that contains rows and columns.

  • The sample code implements a user administration form in which users, roles and the user-role assignment can be administered.
  • The examples provided are overkill, although the principle to make them work is simple.
  • Within a Table object, Rows must be contained in a TableRowGroup element.
  • The value converter’s Convert method is called, every time the DataGrid cell is initially modified or lost its focus.
  • I would like to have tabs and each tab should open a table with the same column headers but different contents.

Therefore this grid has the dynamic contents, displaying each role as a separate check box column. The user-role assignment is done by checking the respective check box. Every DataSet table has a set of events that can be used to get notified on data modifications.. This mechanism is used to add, remove and update the dynamic columns when the role table is modified. This article shows an implementation of dynamic column handling for WPF DataGrid controls. It is a straight forward MVVM implementation where the dynamic column handling is done in the view-model layer.

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Posted: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Ok I have almost got it working thanks to your suggestions. The only remaining issue is how to deal with the headers nicely. If I can’t get it working using the ItemsControl I might have to use a ListView (although I’m not very familiar with this control). You can use the EnumerateChildrenOfType method to get all tables in the document. The DataSet can be used together with database connections to store and retrieve data from SQL servers, etcetera.

Rows can be inserted, modified and removed in the data grid control and the data tables are directly updated through the DataView. The data grid control’s column property is declared as read-only, so it cannot be bound to a view model property. The DataGridColumnsBehavior is an attached behavior that overcomes this limitation. The sample code implements a user administration form in which users, roles and the user-role assignment can be administered. The roles and the users are displayed in two data grids. The user role assignment is done in the user data grid.